Unusual respite situation helps individual transition to a stable, permanent home
A security blanket doesn’t necessarily have to be a blanket. Sometimes it’s a purse.
When Paula came to stay at our Center Ridge House, a homestyle residence for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities, she occupied a temporary respite care bed. She clung to her purse everywhere she went. If she left her room for any reason, the purse was with her, clutched in her hands.
Sadly, Paula had good reason to be protective of her belongings. She’d been shuttled between private homes of family and friends, and even between states, leaving her with no real sense of home. She’d had money stolen from her.
What our staff witnessed over Paula’s 90-day stay was a complete transformation, as she left her “security blanket” behind and eventually began to act as a house mother of sorts to her housemates.
Blossom Hill is a staple in Northeast Ohio, providing family-style group living and supported living services for individuals with developmental disabilities since 1968. Respite services are another aspect of the programming Blossom Hill provides. Typically, families or guardians use these short-term services either when they need a break or will be away for an extended period.
Paula’s case, however, was different. It was emergency respite, initiated by the County, because Paula needed a place to stay until she could find new, permanent housing.
Paula is higher-functioning than most of our residents, but had experienced some of the trauma that is all too familiar to the population we serve. She had been shuttled between California and Ohio, moving due to a death in her family and then the death of her friend with whom she had been living. The friend’s significant other didn’t want Paula in their home anymore and the situation had become potentially dangerous.
Due to this uncertainty, Paula turned inward. She clung to her purse. She didn’t talk. She was also initially thrown off by the environment in the home, as her housemates live with profound disabilities.
It is the mission of all Blossom Hill’s residential homes to be an actual home for the individuals who live there. House staff work hard to create a family atmosphere. These are not “facilities,” they are places where people live, share meals, socialize, and spend time together.
Soon, Paula fell under the spell of having a home of her own again. She started forming deep bonds with her housemates. She opened up and became more communicative and engaged. She began pitching in to assist house staff with activities such as meals and helping her housemates with their wheelchairs.
Staff members always remember the first day Paula came out her room … and left the purse behind. It was the final signal that she’d grown comfortable in her surroundings.
It was always the intention that Paula would eventually leave Center Ridge House and find a place of her own. She knew this and toured many apartments while she stayed with us. We gave her the luxury of being able to take her time and find just the right place.
Paula eventually found an apartment of her own but has remained in touch with her Center Ridge House manager, who reports that Paula is doing well on her own. Paula’s situation is unusual for us, and we’re pleased that the respite services of Blossom Hill could serve as temporary shelter from life’s storms for Paula. She was able to transition from a life of upheaval and uncertainty to one of stability and contentment.
Learn more about Respite Care